Peter Csaba Ölveczky
Department of Informatics,
University of Oslo, Norway.
Research Interests
Rewriting logic.
Formal specification and analysis of all kinds of real-time systems.
Development of the
Real-Time Maude
language and tool supporting the formal specification and
analysis of real-time systems.
Introductory Book on Rewriting Logic for Distributed Systems
I have written an
textbook, Designing Reliable Distributed Systems,
on the use of rewriting logic and Maude
for specifying and analyzing distributed systems, including:
transport protocols
such as Alternating Bit and Sliding Window,
- classic distributed algorithms such as
2-phase commit, distributed leader election algorithms, distributed mutual
exclusion algorihms,
- and cryptographic protocols.
The book also covers the basics of
equational logic and term rewrite systems, including termination and
equational logic and inductive theorems, and basics on their algebraic
Since this is an introductory textbook it assumes no previous
knowledge of either
formal methods or distributed systems.
Page with known errors and Maude code of the examples
in the book.
Jeg veileder gjerne både korte og lange masteroppgaver, gjerne innen
av ting og tang i Maude. Enten velger man selv felt/problemstilling man
er interessert i, eller så kan jeg foreslå oppgaver, for eksempel
innen formalisering av modelleringsstandarder for utvikling av flysystemer,
modellering av avanserte skeduleringsprotokoller for multicore systemer
utviklet ved UIUC, cloud computing systemer, etc. Ta kontakt hvis du
er interessert.
More Recent "Press Photos"
In Singapore and
the Grand Sumo tournament in Fukuoka (sitting next
to Musashimaru!), one from late 2018 in
Ouvéa (Kanaky/New Caledonia), and finally one from
Singapore 2019.
Some Photos